Excellence means greatness – the very best. Achieving excellence is never easy to do. Excellence is a quality that people really appreciate, because it is so hard to find. Excellence is the quality of excelling, of being truly the best at something. This is what we strive for in all that we do at SRS.
- Have the hunger for excellence
- Benchmark against the best
- Believe that you can do it
- Build concrete strategy and plans
- Build concrete strategy and plans
- Learn from the best
- Go all out; work really hard
- Focus your efforts to achieve success
Excellence is promoted at SRS through setting the highest standards in subject disciplines and all key aspects of the school’s work. For example, healthcare:
Health and education are intrinsically linked.
Good education promotes better health and good health is a precondition for reaching education goals. The aim of RSI school health services is to improve health and education outcomes by providing students with health promotion, preventive health services and monitoring of health, growth and development.
Our values convey the beliefs that positively influence our behaviour and the way we interact with individuals, groups and communities
They represent the deepest beliefs and sentiments to which we can aspire, and they shape our SRS school community.

RSI Quality Standards for healthcare/school clinic are as follows:

Optimise student attendance, concentration and progress by addressing medical problems that may inhibit learning and promoting a healthy school environment.
Demonstrate secure knowledge and understanding of the concepts of health promotion, prevention and preventive health care for children and adolescents.
Demonstrate secure knowledge and understanding at individual and population levels of children and adolescents’ growth, development, health-related behaviour and health status (physical, mental and social) and of their determinants.
Implement effectively health surveillance procedures, including early identification/screening (universal and targeted, and according to protocols).
Evaluate children and adolescents’ physical, mental and social health and development and, taking into account the findings of other professionals, identify problems and determine the most appropriate response(s) (preventive and/or curative), referring effectively when necessary.
Determine health promotion priorities for students at individual and population levels, reflecting national and local information and intelligence related to risk and protective factors.
In cases of students with special needs, collaborate effectively with the students, parents, teachers and relevant health providers, to prepare and coordinate an individualised care plan that harmonises medical needs with the education context.
Implement infection control measures and immunisation programmes in collaboration with other key players in the regional/local community.
Communicate effectively with students and parents in a respectful, non-judgemental manner.
Using motivational skills to empower students and parents in taking healthy choices.
Plan and organise effective preventive services for students.
Collect scientific information related to school health (care) and the health of students and to evaluate this information critically.
Our Values

Main Office
Nouakchott Street
Dubai, UAE Next to Mushrif Park
+971 56 998 5019
+971 4 601 1066
+971 4 601 1066
Our email
Work hours
Sun. Thu. 7am-3pm
Sat. 10am-4pm
Sat. 10am-4pm