Asset 3j
Asset 3j


We value the inquiry and intellectual growth of all students and staff, recognising their different learning needs, encouraging them to be creative, engaged, and lifelong learners. Our vehicle for achieving this is through our High-Performance Learning (HPL) programme and evidence-informed approach to curriculum and pedagogy.
Inquiry is powerful

Intellectual Growth of all Students and Staff

A culture of inquiry begins with a welcoming climate of trust and validation where students understand the value of questions and the adventure of seeking answers.

From the perspective of staff, it means well designed and targeted continuing professional development at the appropriate points in their career.

Inquiry is powerful. It can create student ownership in the classroom. It can validate the passions and interests of our students.

We understand that creating a culture of inquiry takes constant work.

Teachers need to establish it from the first day in the classroom, and work to keep it relevant throughout the year.

Our teachers are expected to commit to this change and continue to reinforce the practices and strategies that create a culture of inquiry.

Our values convey the beliefs that positively influence our behaviour and the way we interact with individuals, groups and communities

They represent the deepest beliefs and sentiments to which we can aspire, and they shape our SRS school community.

We promote inquiry through implementation of the following standards in curriculum subjects:

Science: The curriculum is designed to ensure that all SRS students become scientifically literate. In practice this means they should be able to recognise the importance of rational explanation, capable of scientific analysis and knowledgeable about the contribution that the sciences make to our theoretical and practical understanding of the world.
Geography: Students investigate the forces that contribute to changing place and space over time and develop expertise in interpreting impacts and proposing sustainable futures. They develop their skills in collecting, representing and interpreting spatial information, through the use of maps, graphs, GIS and practical fieldwork.
As they grow and develop, students should learn to ‘think like a geographer’ and become able to transfer and draw meaning from their knowledge to different contexts to consider alternative futures and their ability to shape, and influence, these.
Art: Within the Art curriculum, across different phases, students develop ideas through contextual studies, explore their use of a variety of media, record their ideas and observations through drawing and present personal and meaningful outcomes based on their work. To facilitate this, students study a cumulative curriculum, developing core disciplinary knowledge and the skills required to both produce and to be able to analyse artwork.

Main Office


Nouakchott Street Dubai, UAE Next to Mushrif Park


+971 56 998 5019
+971 4 601 1066

Work hours

Sun. Thu. 7am-3pm
Sat. 10am-4pm


Next to Mushrif park
Nouakchott St - Dubai
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