School Policies

Mobile Policy

Mobile phones are a distraction to teaching and learning throughout the school day therefore to ensure that staff and students are focused on ‘education’ SRS is a ‘mobile free zone’.

The purpose of this policy:

to ensure clarity on what is ‘acceptable’ and ‘unacceptable’ use of mobile phones by the whole school community (students, staff and visitors).
to prevent unacceptable use of mobile phones and to protect the School’s staff and students from undesirable materials, filming, intimidation or harassment.
to provide clear instruction to students that mobiles are not allowed in school and be made aware of the strict boundaries and consequences.

SRS Mobile Rules:

  1. Students are strictly prohibited from brining mobiles into school.
  2. Use of a mobile is strictly forbidden in all areas throughout the schools.
  3. Mobiles must not be used to take photographs/video recordings not even for educational purposes.
  4. Mobiles must not be used to send images via Bluetooth or other sharing functions.
  5. Teachers are authorised and fully expected to enforce the school’s mobile rules and will be held accountable if they allow students to have and use mobiles during lessons, in corridors or other areas of the school during the school day.
  6. SRS reserves the right to search the content of any mobile on the school premises where there is reasonable suspicion that it may contain undesirable material, violence or bullying.

If a student breaches the school policy:

  1. 1st occurrence – mobile will be confiscated and parent needs to come into school to collect the device and sign an undertaking that their child will not be bringing/using the mobile in school.
  2. 2nd occurrence – mobile will be confiscated and retained until the end of the academic year

Mobile phones brought into school are the responsibility of the owner. The school accepts no responsibility for the loss, theft or damage of personally-owned mobile phones.

Mobile Usage at SRS

SRS strongly discourages students from bringing mobiles into school. Mobile phones brought into school are the responsibility of the owner.  The school accepts no responsibility for the loss, theft or damage of personally owned mobile phones. The mobile policy can be viewed on the school’s website:
Statement of Policy and Intent

Health and Safety Procedure

The Board of Governors considers that one of their primary objectives is the achievement and maintenance of a high standard of health and safety on the school premises. They also recognize and accept their corporate responsibility to provide a healthy and safe working environment for all their employees, students and visitors to the school premises.
They will take all reasonable practical steps to fulfil this responsibility under the guidelines set down through the UAE Health and Safety Regulation by providing information, instruction and training as appropriate.
They require management, staff and students to display a positive attitude towards health and safety and to act with reasonable care for themselves and others.

Roles within the Health and Safety Structure:

The Principal To have direct responsibility for implementing the policy.
Health and Safety Committee To oversee Health and Safety.

Inclusion at SRS

The school recognises the vision for Dubai to become a fully inclusive city by 2021 and we are and continue to be fully committed to supporting inclusive education principles. We have in place recommended strategies and roles and responsibilities that comply with the Dubai School Inclusion Policy Framework. These will include:
Principal and Director of Education
Inclusion Champion (Head of Inclusion)
Leader of provision for students of determination (SENCO)
Governor of Inclusive Education
Inclusive Education Action Team (IEAT)
SEND Teachers
Learning Support Assistants (LSAs)
We also have an Inclusive Education Improvement Plan (IEAP) in place, identifying our strategic goals and actions for further development of inclusive education. The nominated Inclusion Governor, the Principal and Head of Inclusion have responsibility for the strategic management of all aspects of the school’s work, including provision and outcomes for students of determination. They will work with the leader of provision (SENC0), along with the SEND team, staff, parents and students to ensure everyone is fully aware of, committed to and implementing the school’s procedures for identifying, assessing and making provision for students of determination. Students and parents are actively involved at an appropriate level in discussions about individual education plans (IEPs), target setting and reviews. All teachers are teachers of SEND (Students of Determination). They use a variety of strategies to meet the needs of all students and ensure their access to the curriculum. The majority of students will learn and progress within these arrangements. If a class teacher feels that a child requires help over and above that which is normally available within the particular grade or subject, consideration is given to helping the student in line with the school’s special educational policy and procedures.

Students of Determination Admissions

As an inclusive school we welcome admissions from Grades 9 to 12. For students wishing to join the school who have an additional need, a member of the Inclusion Department will attend the admissions assessment and meet with parents. This allows for the sharing of relevant assessments and specialist reports, so that we are fully aware of the student’s needs before they join the school. As with all Dubai Admissions, we follow the KHDA guidance on the correct grade, based on a student’s date of birth. The parent will be responsible for obtaining the correct approval from the Ministry for any child wishing to enter a certain year before the correct age, as per the Ministry of Education rules.

Key Policy Links

Contact Details

Should you wish to speak with SRS regarding Inclusion, please contact the Vice principal (Dr Dawn Stoner), or the SENCO, (Kimshasa Larue Ellis)

Students of Determination Practice

The school recognises the vision for Dubai to become a fully inclusive city by 2021 and are fully committed to supportng inclusive education principles. We have already have in place recommended strategies and roles and responsibilities that comply with the Dubai School Inclusion Policy Framework

These will include:

Team leader
Inclusion Champion
Leaders of provision for students of determination (SENCOs)
Governor of Inclusive Education
Inclusive Education Action Team ( IEAT)
Support teachers
Learning Support Assistants (LSA’s)
Specialist Therapist
School Education Psychologist

We also have an Inclusive Education Improvement Plan ( IEAP) in place, identifying our strategic goals for further development of inclusive education.

The nominated Inclusion Governor, the principal and inclusion champion have responsibility for the strategic management of all aspects of the school’s work, including provision and outcomes for students of determination.

They will work with the leaders of provision (SENC0s) for primary and secondary, along with the SEND team, staff, parents and students to ensure everyone is fully aware of , and committed to, implementing, the school’s procedures for identifying, assessing and making provision for students of determination.

The key responsibilities of the SENCOs are:
To oversee the day-to-day operation of the inclusion policies.
To liaise with and advise fellow teachers.
To co-ordinate provision for students with additional or special educational needs.
To oversee the records on all students of determination
To liaise with external agencies and parents of students of determination.

Students are actively involved at an appropriate level in discussions about their individual action plans (IEPs), target setting and review arrangements.

All teachers are teachers of SEND (Students of Determination). They use a variety of strategies to meet the needs of all students and ensure their access to the curriculum. The majority of students will learn and progress within these arrangements. If a class teacher feels that a child requires help over and above that which is normally available within the particular class or subject, consideration is given to helping the child through the school’s special educational needs action/s and policy and procedures.

Students of Determination Practice

The basic language of instruction at SRS is English and Arabic language. In order to help students who do not have an adequate working knowledge of English or Arabic, the School will provide special classes to improve the student’s second language.

To accommodate the students from the international community who wish to learn another foreign language, the School will attempt to provide appropriate instruction in languages that have been approved by the Board of Governors. It is not the intention of the Board of Governors to offer language instruction at appropriate levels for native speakers of those languages offered at the School.

The Board of Governors will review the foreign languages programmes during the annual budget cycle when staffing patterns for the subsequent year are approved.

Students of Determination Practice

A child entering Foundation (FS1 & FS2) shall be no less than three (3) years of age on or before September 15 of the first school term.

The parent will be responsible for obtaining the correct approval from the Ministry for any child wishing to enter a certain year before the correct age, as per the Ministry of Education rules.


FS1 – Year 1: These pupils will be admitted according to the arrangements on the first page. Priority will be given to children who have brothers/sisters in school already. Children who are not offered a place immediately will be put onto a waiting list and parents will be contacted as soon as a place becomes available.
Years 2 – 13: Parents are asked to make an appointment with the Administration staff for their child to meet the appropriate Key Stage Coordinator and sit a short test. This test will be in English but support will be available if required. In addition, for native speakers there will be also be an Arabic language test.

The tests will be administered under test conditions and consists of literacy and numeracy for Years 2 – 6, with an additional science test for Years 7-13, linked to the British Curriculum.

The child will be expected to reach a standard appropriate for entry to the year corresponding to their chronological age. If that standard is reached then registration can be completed. Details available from the Administration staff.

If a child fails to reach the expected standard then parents will be informed of the areas which need to be improved.

If the parents wish, a retest can be arranged, after a minimum of two (2) weeks during which the child will be expected to have made improvements so that the expected level is then reached. The second test will be similar to, but not the same, as the first.

Should any child show aptitude for entry to the appropriate year but have Special Educational Needs further discussion with the Head teacher, Special Educational Needs Coordinator and Key Stage Coordinator will be arranged.

Rules of Behaviour and Discipline

The Principal is responsible for the overall implementation and supervision of the Board of Governor’s Rules of Behaviour and Discipline and shall ensure that students at school are subject to a uniform and fair application of the Rules. All rules are based on upon UAE law and guidance.

The Heads of each school are responsible for implementation and administration in his/her school and shall apply the Rules uniformly and fairly to each student at the school without partiality and discrimination.

The Board of Governors delegates to the Principal the responsibility of developing more specific rules of behaviour and discipline which are appropriate for each level of school, namely, Infants, Juniors and Secondary. The development of rules shall involve the Principal and faculty members of each level of school and shall be consistent with the content of the Board of Governor’s Rules.

A copy of the Rules shall be posted at each school and school counsellors shall be supplied copies for discussion with students. The rules shall be referenced in all school Handbooks. All teachers, administrative staff and parents shall be provided copies of the Rules.

Positive Behavioural Expectations

The School prides itself in being a calm, safe and family friendly learning environment. Relationships between teachers, staff and students are good and also good between students and their peers. Student Voice interviews support these claims. Our students feel safe and secure; they believe a strength of the school is the family atmosphere and all feel confident there is a teacher or another adult they can go to for support and guidance if they have any worries or concerns.

General Expectations

At SRS we nurture and encourage all students, whatever their age. We promote independence in personal and academic development. In order to maintain an orderly learning community we ask that your children adhere to our guidelines set out below:

Students should:

Take responsibility for their actions.
Demonstrate self-respect through cleanliness and grooming.
Respect all persons regardless of race, colour, religion, gender, and mental or physical ability.
Use only language and gestures appropriate in a school setting and in keeping with an attitude of respect for all individuals.
Keep classrooms, personal and common areas (e.g. cafeteria & playground) in the school clean, tidy and litter free.
Not bring any soft drinks or energy drinks into school at any time.
Not chew gum whilst in school or on school grounds.

SRS aims to provide an atmosphere that is supportive and caring. If students enjoy coming to school and find the programme both stimulating and interesting then, as a general rule, this is reflected in good behaviour on the part of the students.

At the heart of the School’s Behavioural Policies is the beliefs that children develop best in an atmosphere, which encourages and rewards them rather than upon a system, which relies solely upon the deterrent of punishments as an incentive to promote good behaviour.

An essential element in the success of any behaviour policy is a close partnership between the school and home and SRS is committed to pursuing these policies. If there is anything you think the teacher needs to know about your child that may affect his/her behaviour or work in school please let us know. The new KHDA Parent-School Contract also supports parents and teachers working together in order to achieve the highest standards of behaviour from students.

Rewarding Positive Behaviour And Effort

SRS has a rewards system that promotes positive behaviour and attitudes amongst students. The rewards will be presented at assemblies and under pin SRS school values.

In Primary they include:

Dojo Points and certificates
Star of the week
Arabic awards
Certificates for attitude, effort and achievement
School of Research Science Award

In Primary they include:

Y7 and Y8 Merits
Student of the Week
Student of the Month
Half termly awards assemblies
SEN Passport to Achievement
SRS ‘ Oscars Evening’ (June 2015)
The merit system is used throughout SRS; merits may be awarded for a number of reasons including:
Positive contribution in class
Academic excellence
Special celebrations
Sports and Art
Global Ambassador Award

Parents Complaints and Grievances

At SRS we are work as a team to give each child the best possible opportunities for their future.

However, we realise that from time to time communication can break down and problems arise. We want to keep these to a minimum by being open and consistent and working in partnership with the parents. However, if a problem should arise the complaints procedure will ensure that difficulties are resolved quickly and smoothly. To ensure a child’s school life is happy and successful, the complaints procedure must be followed in all instances.

All subject-related queries should be raised by appointment with the child’s teacher (primary) or subject teacher (secondary) in the first instance. All pastoral matters should be raised by appointment with the class teacher (primary) or tutor (secondary) in the first instance. The majority of queries and anxieties can be dealt with informally in this way.

If the complaint cannot be resolved in this way, then an appointment should be made with the relevant member of staff. This could be the Year Leader (primary) or Head of Department/Pastoral Team (secondary).

More serious complaints can be referred straight to the Assistant Head teachers in Secondary or Welfare Officer in Primary who should be able to resolve matters. If not, then they will be passed on to the either the Head of Primary/Secondary or Vice Principal. If any complaint cannot be resolved through these informal methods it should be put in writing to the Principal to be dealt with.

Parents have the right to request that the Board of Governors hear any grievance that they feel has not been properly addressed by the school’s Principal and the Administrative office and following the KHDA Parent School Contract agreement.

The parent concerned should inform the Board of the problem in writing. The letter should be passed to the school’s Office Manager who in turn will give the letter to the committee and Principal.

The Principal will be asked to provide the Chairperson with all the information relevant to this complaint. The Chairperson will determine if a hearing is necessary for the Board of Governors.

If a hearing is necessary, the Board of Governors will be required to set up a committee comprised of a teacher, a parent, a school leader and a member of the Board of Governors. None of the members of the committee shall have any connection to the original concern or complaint. The parent may attend the committee hearing, however legal representation is not considered appropriate. The committee shall study the matter and within 10 working days issue a written report to the Principal of the school and to the parent and where relevant the person complained about. All parent complaint documents need to be presented at the next Board of Governors meeting.

All parent complaints should be recorded with details of action taken and outcome. Written records indicate whether complaints are resolved at the preliminary stage or whether they proceed to a panel hearing. Parental complaint documents are presented at the next Board of Governors’ meeting. All correspondence, statements and records of complaints are kept confidential, except in cases where local legal requirements permit access or enable restriction by local Ministries.

Board of Governors can be contacted through the Secretary of the Board, Mrs. Elma at 04-6011011 Ext. 5014 or email at [email protected]

If a parent is still not satisfied, then the parent has the right thereafter to refer the matter to the KHDA by contacting the Compliance and Resolution Commission on [email protected]

Welfare Office

The policy of social work at SRS seeks to achieve the following objectives:

To assist the students in realising personal social adjustment through training them to face frustration and to rationalise, to know themselves and strengthen this and to develop balanced and fruitful relationships with their teacher, peers, and all other staff in the school
Provide students with a rich, healthy, stimulating, warm and safe social context that frees the student to realise their academic personal and social potential
Take the necessary preventive measures to protect the student from all manifestations or undesirable behaviour
Arranging meetings with society and business leaders who represent success
Involving students in local community services such as launching campaigns to help the poor, the sick and to promote major social issue
Organising training workshops for teachers and students, to make them engage in a well-informed and enthusiastic way in the activities of social work.
Provide the student with counselling services in order to help those who need such services
Strengthen the relationship between parents and school
Build bridges between the school and the local community
Promote the spirit and practices of social work among students
Developing a sense of country and world citizenship
involving them in decision making in the school
Organising visits and trips in the Emirates and abroad

Data will be collected and used to analyse and evaluate student involvement and participation in activities and to demonstrate maximum opportunities for all students

The School Welfare Officer/s should be easily accessible by students especially at the following times:
The Welfare Officer/s shall be allowed to enter all classrooms by appointment, with prior knowledge of the teacher, Head of School and Principal, to assess individual students and affect the early possible diagnosis of any students with potential learning difficulties or behavioural problems.

Any teacher can request that the Welfare Officer be present in their class for student with any special needs assessment.

The school will provide a female and male personnel to cover the duties of the Welfare Officer.

Welfare Office

Any student who is the victim of abuse or is concerned for the safety of another student should report this to the School Welfare Officer who is the nominated child protection officer. Students must understand that they will be fully supported by the school and that swift and appropriate action will be taken; as the wellbeing and safety of all students is of the utmost importance. Students must understand that once they have passed on information to the nominated person or another adult that the information although handled with sensitivity will not remain confidential and that other parties may have to be involved or informed but strictly on a need to know basis.

Abuse & Neglect

All personnel shall be alert for any evidence of child abuse or neglect. Child abuse is defined as any wound, injury, disability, or physical or mental condition which is of such nature as to reasonably indicate that it has been caused by brutality, abuse, or neglect or which on the basis of available information reasonably appears to have been caused by such. Staff members having knowledge or suspicion of any child who is suffering from abuse or neglect shall report such harm immediately. This should be reported immediately to the school Social Worker who in turn should immediately report to the Principal. The report shall include:
The name, address and age of the child
The name and address of the parents or persons having custody of the child
The nature and extent of the abuse or neglect
Any evidence to the cause or any other information that may relate to the cause or extent of the abuse or neglect

The person reporting shall be immune from liability and his/her identity shall remain confidential.

The Principal shall develop reporting procedures, including sample indicators of abuse and neglect and shall disseminate annually the procedures to all school personnel.

Investigations: School Administrators and employees have a duty to cooperate, provide assistance and information in child abuse investigations.

Anti Bullying

All students have the right to learn in a safe environment without fear. It is against this policy for any student to bully, intimidate or create a hostile educational environment for another student. Bullying and intimidation are defined as either physically harming a student or damaging his/her property, or knowingly placing the student in reasonable fear of such, or creating a hostile educational environment. The policy addresses conduct taking place on school grounds, at any school activity or on school-provided transportation.

Bullying can undermine and can prevent students from progressing academically and socially and it can have lifelong negative consequences for both victim and the bully. We therefore have zero tolerance of bullying. Any student involved in bullying will be disciplined and will receive appropriate counselling from the school. Following any report received about bullying, verbal or physical, an investigation will be undertaken by the Pastoral Team. Appropriate school sanctions will be applied after each case or incident has been investigated fully.

Cyber Bullying

SRS students are expected to act with respect and concern for all others both in and outside school hours. Any form of cyber bullying will not be tolerated and any SRS students who target another child through the use of the internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones will be subject to the consequences for bullying as set out in the SRS student Behaviour code.

Alleged victims of the above offences shall report these incidents immediately to a teacher, Counsellor or Head of School. Any allegations shall be fully investigated.

A substantiated charge against an employee shall result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. A substantiated charge against a student may result in corrective or disciplinary action up to and including suspension.
The Principal is responsible for educating and training staff and students as to the definition and recognition of any form of discrimination/harassment

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